Shahrzad series part 29
Shahrzad series part 29

: “Balanced Bodies: Humoral Medicine in Contemporary Iran”, Workshop: Technology and the Body: Care, Empowerment and the Fluidity of Bodies, Orient-Institut, Istanbul.

shahrzad series part 29

Lecture-Performance as part of the lecture series Human, Medicine and Society: Past, Present and Future Encounters. : with Setareh Fatehi Irani, “Bodiless Heads 2: bodies, borders, flux and fluidity”. Study of Religions Meeting: Religion and Epidemics. : “Absence of a Concept? Contagion, Medicine and Pilgrimage”. : “Ventricular Localization: Greek into Arabic, Text into Image”.

shahrzad series part 29

Having one foot in philology and another in sociology of medicine, the project also brings together the research interests of two groups within Orient-Institut Istanbul: “Human, Medicine and Society” and “Study of Religions”. Prophetic Medicine” within the Standing Working Group “Iran and Beyond: Breaking Ground for Sustainable Scholarly Collaboration” (IRSSC). Shahrzad Irannejad joined Orient-Institut Istanbul in fall 2020 as a visiting research fellow working on a project entitled “Bodies of Knowledge facing epidemics: (Islam-icate) Humoral Medicine vs. In her project “Localization of the Avicennean inner senses in a Hippocratic body” she has dealt with how concepts and ideas (regarding the brain and the mind) were transformed as they travelled beyond linguistic and cultural borders from the Greek tradition to the medi-eval Arabic tradition. She is currently a PhD candidate at the interdisciplinary Research Training Group 1876 “Early Concepts of Humans and Nature: Universal, Specific, Interchanged”, at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. In looking into the mechanics of textual transfer of knowledge in the medieval Islamicate world, she is keen on engaging with both the codicological aspects of the material media of knowledge transfer, and individual agents of knowledge, go-betweens, and other actors. After graduating from pharmacy with a PharmD degree from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2009, she has focused in her research on the history of Greco-Arabic medicine. Shahrzad Irannejad is a researcher in history of medicine in the Islamicate world.

Shahrzad series part 29